Yoga for eyes, exercises for improve eyesight, how to
improve eyesight, yoga for improve your vision, yoga poses for eyes, eye workouts,
eye exercises, how to improve your vision without glasses, improve eyesight
without surgery, eye strengthening yoga.
Simple exercises can help for your eyes. If you practiced
regularly, these simple yoga exercises rest your eye muscles, it helps to
strengthen muscles your eyes, and reduce tension in the face and eyes. These
exercises are improving your presence. If controlling your eyes, you can
control your mind also.
Yoga for eyes:
If you practiced yoga for eyes every day, you can get
back your vision perfectly. These are
1. Start yoga with
massage your lower eyelids with the tips of fingers in circular movements.
- Rub your hands together for 10 to 15 seconds until they feel warm.
- Then place your hands over your eyes, with the palms place over the eyes, the fingertips placing on the forehead.
- Don’t touch the eyeballs directly, close your eyes and breathe deeply.
- Keep this pose for a few seconds. Then remove your hands and open your eyes slowly.
- Repeat this palming up to 5 minutes.
- Sit straight and normal breath.
- Keep your gaze up towards the ceiling.
- Then roll your eyes in clockwise direction without moving your head.
- Repeat this 3 times, then close your eyes and relax.
- Then repeat this rolling exercise in anti- clockwise direction.
4. Focusing Exercises:
- Concentrate your vision on the tip of your nose.
- After keep your vision on far objects.
- Then come back and concentrate your vision on your nose.
- Relax your eyes with palming.
5. Draw a horizontal number eight with your eyes.
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Thanks dear for sharing yoga for increasing eye vision. You know I do yoga daily and watch workout videos every week when I get time. I will add this yoga in my routine so that I can get my perfect vision back.