Sunday 29 December 2013

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Women designer blouses latest designs 2013

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Natural care homemade tips for beautiful pink lips

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Everyone likes beautiful lips. We can get the great lips without using chemical. We can get the soften lips naturally with homemade remedies. So you can follow the following tips for pink lips.

Homemade tips for beautiful pink lips:

1. Takturmeric and cold milk, Mix them and apply the paste on your lips. You can get soft and pink lips.
care for pink lips2. Take 2 drops of honey and 1 drop of rose water, Mix them and before going to bed apply on your lips. You can get soft and pink lips doing this daily.
3. Take Olive oil, one table spoon of honey and baking soda, Mix the all ingredients, then apply on your e lips and gently massage your lips. Then wash with warm water.
4. Take Sugar and Olive oil, Mix them and apply on your lips and massage gently your lips. You can get pink lips.
5. Make a paste of rose petals and then apply the paste on your lips for pink lips.
6. Mix pomegranate seeds paste with milk cream, and then apply on your lips. It will lighten your lips.
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Natural home remedies of beauty for dark lips, care for dark lips

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Everyone remember some important things, cure for cracked lips, drink more water, don’t peel your dry skin from your lips and avoid licking your lips.

Natural home remedies of beauty for dark lips:

care for dark lips
1.  Milk or Ghee applies on your dark lips to lighten.
2.  Apply cucumber juice on your lips regularly.
3.  Mix Lemon juice, honey and glycerin and apply on your dark lips to lighten.
4.  Apply beetroot juice on your dark lips to lighten.
5.  Mix coconut oil and almond oil equal quantity and apply on your dark lips to lighten.

Natural home remedies for cracked lips to beautiful smooth lips

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Some times every one suffering from cracked lips, reasons of cracked lips are high body temperature, dry weather and nutrient deficiency. You can make your cracked lips to soft lips by follow some easy home remedies. Here some homemade remedies for cracked lips to make soft and pink lips.
Everyone remember some important things, cure for cracked lips, drink more water, don’t peel your dry skin from your lips and avoid licking your lips.

Natural home remedies for cracked lips: 

1. Take cream on the milk and rose petals, grind them then apply on your lips for cracked lips,

2. Take 1 tsp of milk cream and 2 drops of glycerin, mix and apply on your lips and leave on overnight.
3.  Apply Aloevera gel on your cracked lips. You can get soft lips.
4. Mix 1 tsp of lemon juice, 1 tsp of glycerin and 1 tsp of castor oil and apply on your lips then leave on overnight. Wash the lips next day morning with cotton.
5.  You can use honey for cracked lips. It will help to moisturize your cracked lips.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Women designer half sarees2013

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Half Sarees Designs:

Natural home remedies and homemade packs for soft hands

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Everyone wants soft and beautiful hands. So many people spend too much of money and time to get soft and beautiful hands. No need to spend more money for soft hands. You can get soft hands with low cost and less time. Here some homemade packs for soft hands. If you do this regularly, you can get smooth and beautiful hands.   

Tips for Soft Hands
  1. Mix glycerin, lemon juice and a few drops of rose water and use it to massage your hands every other day.
  2. Cornmeal act as a good scrub for hands and cleanses and softens your hands. 
  3. Apply the mixture of orange juice and honey to make your hands soft. 

Pack for soft Hands:

  1. Add half teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. 1 tsp of glycerin and add few drops of rose water.
  3.  Mix it well, and then apply on your hands.
  4. Keep it for 15-20 min, and then wash with water. If you do this daily you can get soft hands.

Oatmeal pack for soft hands:

  1. Take an egg and beat well.
  2. Add 2 tsp of oatmeal powder and 1 tsp of honey.
  3.  Mix them well and make thick paste.
  4. Then apply on your hands and massage smoothly while applying.
  5. Let it be dry.
  6. Then wash your hands.
  7. Do this daily. You can see your hands will be much softened.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Natural homemade treatment to get rid of pimples

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Most of the teenagers are suffering with pimples problem. Pimple is main problem in youth. Most of the youth can’t go anywhere due to pimples problem. Generally pimples are occurred at face and neck areas of body. So many medicines and cosmetics are available for cure to pimples. Sometimes side effects are occurred while using cosmetics and medicines. Here some natural home remedies to get rid of pimples without side effects.

Natural home remedies to cure pimples:

  1. Mix rose water with lemonjuice, and then apply on the pimple affected area on your face. Do this regularly 3 to 4 weeks to rid of pimples. It is good home remedy for pimples.
    Pimples Treatment
  2. Take honey, soak cotton balls in honey. Then keep that cotton balls on affected area and leave for 20 min then wash with water. It will cure pimples problem very fast.
  3. Take apple, grind apple and then mix with honey. Make a paste and apply on pimples and left for half an hour.
  4. Take ice cubes, wrap the ice cubes in cloth, and keep on affected area few seconds. Ice can helps rid of pimples very fast. It can help to improve the blood circulation.
  5. Take honey and cinnamon powder, Make fine paste. Apply this paste on face and left overnight. It is natural home remedy.
  6. Apply fresh mint leavesjuice on pimples. It is very common treatment for pimples. It ia natural home remedy for cure pimples.
    Pimples Treatment
  7. Apply fresh papaya juice on pimples. Papaya will remove dead cell in skin. It’s having so many proteins. So it can control pimples on face. It is very natural treatment.
  8. Take garlic and cut in to two pieces. Rub the garlic pieces on pimples, and left 5 to 10 min. Then wash with water. Repeat this several times in a day. You can see the result faster. It is natural homemade.  

Natural home remedies for dark circles and puffy eyes, eye care

Eye Care tips, beauty tips, reduce dark circles, eye care, how to remove dark circles from eyes, dark circles and puffy eyes, how to treat dark circles under the eyes, how to reduce the puffiness of eyes, treatment for dark circles and puffy eyes, remedies for dark circles, home remedies for dark circles.

 Eye care:

Reduce dark circles
  1.  Cucumbers are a fantastic natural remedy for under eye dark circles. Take 2 slices of fresh refrigerated cucumber and place it on your eyes for 20 minutes. It will help refresh your eyes as well as your mind, and the anti-inflammatory properties of the cool cucumber will naturally help reduce dark circles of eyes. 
  2. Take two slices of a raw potato (after refrigerating for a couple of minutes) and circle the closed eyes gently with those slices. Place it on your eyes so that it also covers the dark circles areas under your eyes and leave it like that for 15-20 minutes. You'll know a tremendous change of your eyes; those dark circles as they'll be reduced in size.
  3. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables like carrots, drumstick, spinach, papaya and mangoes. All these are rich in beta carotene which helps to have healthy eyes.
  4. Take proper rest, it will refresh your eyes.
  5. Soak amla overnight in water and wash your eyes with this water the next morning.
  6. Soak cotton in warm milk and keep it on your eyes for 15 min.
  7. Take fresh mint leaves, crush leaves gently, and apply this paste on your effected eye area. It will reduce the dark circles.
  8. Mix orange juice and glycerin. Apply this juice around your dark circles. It is very effective remedy to get reduce dark circles. It will make your skin smooth. 
  9. Care for Dark Circles
  10. Almond oil is very helpful for reduce the dark circles. Around the eye skin is very delicate. Take a little amount of almond oil and apply over the dark circles and keep overnight and wash it with water the next day morning. You can do this daily up to one month. You can get result.  
  11. Drink ten glass of more water every day.

Friday 20 December 2013


Health tips, diets tips, body care tips, homemade remedies for good health, improving health tips, health interventions, health and fitness, fitness tips, Exercise, health information, diabetes, depression, natural remedies, healthcare.

Health is wealth, living a healthy, good and active lifestyle is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. If you change our lifestyle, it increases the level of health. Health is described as the ability of the person.We have to change our lifestyle and follow some healthful habits to attain good health.Read More..


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Beauty is a quality which gives happiness to everyone. But original beauty of the people is nature of the heart only, this is true. And external appearance is also very important because it increases your confidence and happy. Now a days we can get lots of beauty products in the market, compare with beauty products, always natural beauty is considered to be the good looking and beautiful.
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